Please apologize to Shikhandi, Mr. Bhushan

It was really a disconcerting sight to see the Indian Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh to go live on National television and give out the message that how deeply he has been hurt. Though, I also felt a relief when I saw him speaking even though it was because he was hurt. I was in tears..both happy and sad…happy because finally the PM spoke after a long silence and sad because of the pitiful sight to see him reading out his anguish. I didn’t understand why one of the most qualified Prime Minister in the world had to read out his personal feelings about being hurt by some accusation. If it’s a budget presentation or some national interest speech, it’s better be read so that there are no goof ups. But here it was a personal thing…anyway, that’s not the point of the blog.

One of the veteran members of Team Anna, Mr. Prashant Bhushan called our dear Prime Minister “Shikhandi”.  Obviously, Mr. Manmohan Singh felt really hurt. Had to be. Everyone knows who Shikhandi was. A hijra (eunuch). Neither a man nor a woman. The same community whom we see in trains clapping loudly for alms, who choose to visit any auspicious occasion to seek money in return of money. The same people whom we run away at first sight. And Mr. Prashan Bhushan comparing the P.M. of India with the most popular Hijra in the history of India was totally wrong and unacceptable. No…No. Though in his defence, Mr. Bhushan did say it was meant to be a metaphor arguing that Congress using Manmohan Singh as Shikhandi to protect Corruption (though who is Bhishma is a question unanswered). However, when I first read the news, I thought he had not called him like a shikhandi but shikhandi himself. Not just I, even Congress felt so. I guess even Manmohan Singh thought the same. BIG insult. It seems to be a political double entendre…a risky political maneuver that backfired; and came at a time when news of Team Anna falling apart is seen everywhere.

Prashant Bhushan, Manmohan Singh, Shikhandi

Mr. Bhushan, you have to apologize. What harm had poor Shikhandi done to you that you’re spoiling it’s name? Don’t you know the history of Shikhandi? In Mahabharata, Amba along with the sisters was kidnapped by Bhishma for his half brother, Vichitravirya. But Amba was in love with the King of Salva. When Bhishma learnt about it, he sent her to the King. However, he refused to accept a girl who had stayed in some stranger’s palace. Dejected by him, Amba went to Bhishma (a lifelong celibate) to marry her. Obviously, she was again rejected. Tired by the insults and humiliation, she started praying and gave her life in return of the boon to come back and be the reason of Bhishma’s death. It was done, and when Bhishma faced Shikhandi in the battle of Kurukshetra, he immediately recognized her and refused to raise weapon on a ‘woman’. And thus was killed by Arjuna who was hiding behind Shikhandi.

This shows the true character of Amba. She was the woman who had suffered, who was humiliated and who died to avenge the humiliation…she sought justice, and got it. What sacrifices has our PM done? What humiliation has he faced? What humiliation and rejection has he gone through? For people calling him names; well he is responsible for it. The fame and respect he had earned after the economic reforms of 1991 has been ruined by his attitude in the last 3 years. When it was time to speak ( Lokpal) he chose to remain mum, when it was time to raise voices (2G scams, coal scams, etc etc) he chose to put a silencer in his mouth and watch the drama (at times helplessly). And today, being referred to as Shikhandi and a part of the scams, suddenly he feels bad. He feels saddened and hits back saying…Prove it. Calling a person; who looks dejected, depressed and resigned every time he comes on screen Shikhandi; is an insult to Shikhandi. Shikhandi (Amba) had died in the name of honor, self respect and revenge. Mr. Manmohan Singh is not upto that name. He is a well educated intellectual and a brilliant economist no doubt, but not a leader. He is the PM of the largest democracy in the world but has no authority. No control. No freedom.

You shouldn’t have called him Shikhandi, Mr. Bhushan. You have to apologize. Who knows, Shikhandi might come back to avenge this insult.

Kunal Lodha