भारत का परिवार



क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ेगा यार, आ जाए किसकी भी सरकार,
ख़ुद नहींं बदलोगे जब तक ,नहीं मिटेगा भ्रष्टाचार,
महँगाई बढ़ती जाएगी,एक दुनी दो, दो दुनी चार,
सब के सब बातों के शेर है, भाषणों में ही गुंजती है इनकी दहाड़,
रिज़ल्ट के बाद सब खोलेंगे बोटल, आख़िर है तो एक दुसरे के रिश्तेदार,
५६ इंच की छाती हो, या सेक्युलरीज़म का आचार,
या धरना बाबा आ जाए, लेकर झाड़ु हज़ार,
कोई भी आ जाओ सत्ता में, अपनी माँगे है बस चार,
के बिना रिश्वत सभी को दिलवादो,रोटी, शिक्षा, मकान, रोज़गार,
हमें अपने झमेलों में मत घसीटों, मत तोड़ो भारत का परिवार…

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RIP Steve Jobs…

Steve JobsThere’s nothing for me to say. Whatever I could and wanted to say is being said by everyone on every single site around the world.

I don’t have superlatives and adjectives to describe you. The only way I can describe you is by the word: iNspiration.

I want to thank you for inspiring me and millions others. The Stanford Speech today is one of the best available guiding principle on life that can be heard and read by everyone. The style that you made popular will never be forgotten.

Dear Steve, you once famously said you wanted to make a dent in the universe. There are few people who do what they say and you are one of them. You’ve created a dent in the universe with your products, your style, your charisma, your charm.

You have certainly created a dent in the universe by leaving us so soon.

I only want to say, Sorry. Sorry for never owning an Apple product myself. I may not be your biggest fan, but am a fan nonetheless. Please do accept the apology.

Dear Steve, the technology world would never be the same without you. I will never be the same.

In your words – Death is a life changing agent. For me, you were my life changing agent, and you sudden demise has definitely changed something in me today.

I will miss you.

We all will miss you.

With utmost respect to you,


(Image – Stefan Z. Camilleri)

Steve Jobs’ Inspirational Speech

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Movin’ on!

It wasn’t easy,

Oh it never was!

I’ve wasted 3 years, fighting for a lost cause…

Finally have understood somethin’, should’ve known that long back…

When I was thrown out like a rug-o-sack,

But whatever it is, whatever it was, I have decided to move on..

We’ll meet someday again, but not as friends…


Have turned away, left the past behind…

Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find…

Movin’ on – this is my END!

It is no one to be blamed but me,

You all were a part of my fantasy,

I have never been good, I have always faulted

I have always clung on to you, when you never wanted…

Finally I have learned my lesson, I promise not to repeat,

Guys so long, I’ll not bother you again, ‘cause

Have turned away, left the past behind…

Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find…

Movin’ on – this is my END!

Those were some great days, I thoroughly enjoyed them,

Some moments of ecstasy, fun and a few of shame,

I was rude, selfish, and a big time bore…

You always gave me love, but I kept askin’ for more..

Without givin it back, what was I thinkin’,

Oh! May be ‘cause I was smitten by someone, I hold on to her clingin’,

She never really liked me, I remained in hallucinations,

I suffered a lot, not ‘cause of her, but of me,

I shouldn’t have done some stuff I did,

But now,

Have turned away, left the past behind…

Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find…

Movin’ on – this is my END!

I apologize for the moments, I gave y’all trouble,

Had a lot of dreams, but reality has burst that bubble…

I always wished, if the time turns back, there are mistakes I’ll rectify ,

But now I don’t wanna do that, I’ll just say goodbye…

I had many complaints, but have realized they were all with me,

So please guys for once accept my apology, and……


Have turned away, left the past behind…

Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find…

Movin’ on – this is my END!



Kunal Lodha


एक दोस्त की तलाश में,

आज भी अपने आप को आजमाता हूँ,

जहाँ देखी भीड़,

दौड़के पहुँच जाता हूँ,

सोचता हूँ कोई तो जाना पहचाना सा चेहरा दिख जाए,

कोई तो हो वहां जिसको हम याद जाए,

पर सब कुछ रुखा सा, अनजाना सा लगता हैं

कुछ नही अपना, सब बेगाना सा लगता हैं,

सामने मिलती हैं वो सुखी नज़रें,

जिनमें भयानक सी हँसी छिपी हैं,

जो हँसती हैं मेरी बेबसी पर, मेरी तन्हाई पर ,

भीड़ में हैं वो लोग…

जो कहने को दोस्त, पर दुश्मन से बद्दतर है,

जिनकी ज़बान पे प्यार, और हाथ में खंजर हैं,

चेहरे पे हसी, पर दिल में कुछ और,

प्यार भरे शब्दों में अपनी नफरत छिपाके

मुझे अपने साथ रखते हैं, बुलाते हैं

पहले जानता नहीं, पर अब,

उन्हें देखके डर सा लगता हैं,

भाग जाऊँ यहाँ से, सिर्फ़ यह ख्याल मन में चलता हैं,


इतनी हिम्मत नही मुझमें, इतनी हिम्मत नहीं!


नज़रें झुकाके चल देता हूँ अपने कमरे की ओर

पीछे उस भयानक हँसी की गूंज सुनाई पड़ती हैं,

सभी खुश हैं अपनों के साथ, फ़िर भी हैं एक दुसरे के ख़िलाफ़,

सभी जानते हैं यह, सभी मानते हैं यह,

सिर्फ़ मैं ही अनाडी था, समझ नहीं पाया….

दोस्त बनाने चला था, पर हमेशा की तरह

मुंह की खाया…


चलते हुए उस हँसी को सुनके,

अपने अन्दर एक चीख का एहसास होता हैं

दिल में एक टीस सी उठती हैं

आँखें भर सी आती हैं …सब कुछ धुंधला लगता हैं,

किसी तरह कदम संभलके कमरे में पहुँचता हूँ

बिस्तर पे लेट के हर दिन को कोसता हूँ

एक बार नही यह बार बार होता हैं

दिल हर बार यह सहके रोता हैं….

यह पता हैं शिकायत भी नहीं कर सकता ख़ुदा से,

इसमें किसी का दोष नहीं


कौन समझाए इस दिल को,

कौन रोके इसकी तलाश…


जिस दोस्त की तलाश इसको हैं,

वो तो कब का मर चुका हैं!


Kunal Lodha

सब कुछ चलता हैं!

आज कल यह एक ख्वाब रात भर सताता है,
आँखें जब खुलती हैं वो ख्वाब टूट जाता है,
ख्वाब टूटता है तब दिल ज़रासा जलता है,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!

पता नहीं क्यूँ पर तन्हा घूमना रास आता हैं,
पता नहीं क्यूँ भीड़ में दिल घबराता है,
फिर भी दूसरो को खुश देखके मनन में कुछ खलता है,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!

तू अगर अच्छा है, सच्चा है, तो तेरी यहाँ जगह नहीं,
यही आज की रीत है, इसकी कोई वजह नहीं,
सबको अपनाने वाला आखिर में सिर्फ हाथ मलता हैं,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!

दुनिया अब किसी की नहीं रही, सब अपने में मस्त है,
दोस्ती एक नाकामयाबी है, ख़ुशी गंगा में अस्त हैं,
दोस्तों, सिर्फ अपनी सोचो, अब इसी में सफलता है,
क्या करें यार, अब सिर्फ यही चलता है!!

मिलना है तुमसे, बहुत कुछ कहना है
जुदाई यह कुछ भी नहीं, आगे बहुत कुछ सहना है
मिएँगे कभी, साथ रहेंगे, यह अरमान दिल में पलता है,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!

Kunal Lodha


i had lost you, years ago,

but the strange thing is –

now i don’t want you back,

i don’t want anything bright here, or white here,

i m now used to black,

i am used to the darkness,

the hopelessness,

the loneliness…

the never ending tunnel of despair,

my life got screwed such,

that nobody can repair!

i don’t want you, o smile!

you better be lost…

you know na why were you lost,

’cause some friends took you away,

friends – the word, the illusion that doesn’t exist


they took you, and you went along,

singing that goddamn song,

and i was left here,

with tears,

with hopes,

that you would return…

but you didn’t, oh damn you!

you didn’t!

i waited and waited, and finally…

i lost!

i lost my battle with sadness,

it has empowered me,

tortured me…BUT!

but tell you what ? i am also through…

i don’t want you,

now do whatever you can do!

let people ask “kunal, don’t you smile ?”

i ll say happily,

no i don’t,

i don’t, i don’t, i don’t!!

P.S.: This is dedicated to my college people from K.C. College.

Simply Nothing!

the fire inside

has burnt my soul today

i cant stand living in here

a place which is

full of lies, deceit…

i want to hang myself in shame

’cause i have been part of this dirty game

that’s been played here every day

by everyone

the praises, the applause…

everything here is fake,

the people, the so-called friends!

for god’s sake,

stop all this, it ain’t gonna help,

sugar coating your insults and tryin’ to belittle others

is not something we’re here for

but who am i

to tell anyone this

the person whom nobody listens to

who’s made fun of behind his back

who’s remembered when the laptop has encountered

any problem,

or when you are alone and

want someone to accompany you for a walk,

or just to talk!

do you know who does that ?

a dog!!!

yes, may be, that’s what i am!!!

bad presentations…….aaaaaaaggghhhhhh!!!!!!

the last 3 days have been tiring….lots of work….presentations and no result at the end of all of it.

i look upon Steve Jobs on how to give presentations….to learn from him the intricacies and things to be kept in mind while making the presentations. of course you cant be charismatic….its inborn (though my OB book argues it). but the way he presents there’s a lot to learn…

i used to think i know a lot….i have learnt everything from watching his videos…imitating him in my close room and ALONE! but when it comes to presenting in front of an audience..that too comprising of all the people i know since 8 months now…i still don’t deliver. my last presentations were as bad as they could get…in the first one i just could not speak due to some physical problems….and the second i took the safe way out by presenting two vague slides which were not at all important to the topic….and as it can be guessed..i dd not get marks for the “effort”…
feeling dejected and still tired of the work that has been assigned….i was going through seth godin’s blog..(a new way to vent out my frustration…..reading blogs and trying to find mistakes in them..haha)…he writes that ‘great presentations can be made when the presenter is respected by the audience and when s/he gives love to the audience in the form of teaching, learning, help and use of other forms’…and i totally agree with it..

but then what struck me was…when i try to justify myself (to me)…i thought….seth’s right…i should get the respect (i don’t know for what but i should get it) and i am giving my love to the audience by “trying” to make them understand something they know or simply don’t want to listen to.

though there are some classmates who have got great body language, great speech and great convincing power (and some have great impression…an impression that forces people to listen and praise them even if they speak s**t)…they are the one people respect but they don’t give “love” to the audience…something seth calls as “a self promotional talk“… 🙂

the problem all of us face in the class is that nobody bothers to listen to the other. everyone here wants to have his or her share of fun and enjoyment. nobody cares about the other (though we call each other friends) and will do nothing to encourage the presenter during the presentation, but will have hundreds and thousandes of motivational and consoling words after the presentation has gone bad. i have seen some people (not necessarily from my class) trying to console the others but end up irritating the person.

but that doesn’t mean i am justifying my bad presentations…i was under-prepared, not well and of course just not in the mood to give the presentations……not my fault…haha!

though i know that the presentations can be improved by lots of preparations and pratice…but there’s only one thing i got from the whole thing is that i don’t call for respect from my own classmates (still don’t know if that’s important) and which is something i ll have to work upon…….
any suggestions ????
